Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just another day that I had the best.

I may have just had one of the best days of my life.

Me and the 4Some went and hung out at the park all day. It was wet and fun and disgusting and we got a million fucking videos for Facebook. I drank me some Monster, Ju Dra got stuck in a tree, and Mbob may in fact have sexually molested a gerbil. Ink was taking pictures the whole time, of course. It was so much fun... I'd totally forgotten how much I love getting my best friends together and doing random shit.

Also, I GOT MY SKETCHBOOK!! and I've been drawing so fucking much. I have Seis, Marano+Train, The Master, and this asshat fucking awesome picture of Tari choking Ëda Mimi to death. (Yes, the Mrain was a Cult Club request.) I love Miniscus. It's the shit. It really is.

And how about that election, huh? There's no way Obama's not gonna win. See? There, just for the record, I SO called that. Haha. All I have to say on that.

Basically, my life is amazingly fun right now. I don't know why. It just is, you know? I mean, it's FUCKING MARVEXIA DAY. 411 forever. And even though I wanted to have our big Cult gathering on AkuRoku day, this is almost as good, you know?

I'm just doing so good. I'm happy as shit, and I've figured out that I don't need to have reached perfection to love it all.

Gonna go watch Hitcher, bitches, and eat me some pocky. Tra tra!!

Qwerty <3


Deleted said...

I'm glad that you're happy. <3

Dead Rose said...

aww... you're so sweet... =]

i love you dez.

Deleted said...

i love you too. <3