Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ups and downs, my heart's a battleground.

So it's getting better, I think. Caitlin's still hot and still a bitch, and for some reason I'm pretty fucking sure she likes me because she's, like, obsessed with hating me. Uh, no. Not. Sorry. But there'll be other girls. I've still got Dez to make me feel better and I can wait around for a real girlfriend. I'm a lesbian; who said shit was gonna be easy for me? It's not. But I'm gonna live, yeah?

I've been depressed lately. Like, a lot. Josh and Sammy and thems are always wanting to hang out with me; there's a TAI concert coming up soon-ish at the Electric Factory, and I so would want to take Josh, except I haven't gotten out of the house much and I don't want to. I'm just not good with facing the world when I'm like this. I'm so tired and bored with life. LOL, or else I'm a fat lazy bastard who won't get off her ass and do shit. Probably the latter. I don't want to do anything though. I can't believe I'm turning down two of my best friends to just sit in my room and cry.

Josh told me he liked me, which made me really upset because he needs to stay gay. Srsly. Also I found out Julien likes me. See, this is precisely why I need the world to know I'm gay, because I've been asked out twice and I think Pizza Guy is stalking me. NO. REALLY.

But, yeah, in terms of the whole depression thingy I'm getting better. Dad spent his life's worth getting me a light table, LOL. I love my daddy. Hart. And I want CorelPainter, but until then I just need a new sketchbook. I'm so fucking tired of postponing Miniscus. So I'm happy right now. Especially because I'm gonna get a bearded dragon and I loooooove them bearded dragonz. Also... House. Yey, I love that show. Especially when the patients, like, get eaten alive by worms and shit. I hate that fucking SLUT DOCTOR though. -eats alive- Nom nom.

Happy and Monsterhigh. Qwerty, bitches! <3


Deleted said...

You still think Caitlyn's hot after your last post???.....Wow.You really do like her.

I love you. <3

Dead Rose said...

i think she's hot, but i hate her. a lot. i really don't like her anymore... i just find her attractive.

i love you too...

Deleted said...

Oh,I see what you mean.
I just wish she was'nt such a snob.
I love you more. <3