Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I would feel free to say that I was gay.

Okayokayokay... SO much to tell. Firstly, Caitlin's a bitch. Apparently she was 'scared' I was gonna fucking murder her boyfriend / was gonna rob and/or rape her / all this other shit, so she told her parents. What a little whore. Now I'm in trouble with the admin and all this other shit, plus people are starting to talk. AND I just got back from Truancy Court... soooo not fun, you know?

But this whole thing made me realize just how fucking homophobic the world is. I mean, I've never had a personal encounter with homophobia before. Shit like this always happened to other people and not me. But my theory is that her friends were pressuring her to 'talk to someone about it' so she could 'stand up for being straight.' FUCK. THAT. SHIT. Now all the school people are after my ass, Caitlin's mom is ready to fucking kill me, and on top of it all they had to go tell my parents.

By the way, they were so cool about it. My mom was fucking pissed off at the Dean or whoever the hell was dealing with it because this obviously wouldn't have happened if I was a guy. It's only because I'm a lesbian and that disorients the rest of the world, plus there's the way I dress so that's two strikes against me. And my dad was fucking flaming.

They absolutely took my side, and I am so fucking relieved. I don't think my dad even knew I was a lesbian but he dealt with it so awesome.


I love my parents right now, way too much. But I fucking hate the rest of the world. It's like, this all started because of me being lesbo. If I was, by some miracle, male, no one would have fucking cared. Even those therapists and shit were fucking prejudiced; they were all, "She's straight, so back off."

Fuck it. The world doesn't like me because I'm a lesbian. Fuck that, and fuck Caitlin, and fuck everything because I am who I am, and if you don't like it then leave me the fuck alone.

No qwerty today. :(


Anonymous said...

may i kill someone!?
omg hannah bby, i'm sorry that you're going through this.
dont ever forget how much i loovelovelove you <3

Dead Rose said...

awwww i lovelovelove you too

i miss u donnadior ):

Deleted said...

That's just plain messed up. >=[
I hate homophobes.

And right now I'm so angry that I could push someone off a cliff>>Not you of course.