Sunday, October 12, 2008

You might regret what you let slip away.

Okay... I'm fucking sick of letting my life revolve around romance. Seriously, it's only boredom and envy and a terrifyingly strong sex drive that I give a shit about anyway; I know I don't need someone "special" [fuck that] in my life, and I'm not gonna make things harder for me by pretending I really do.

SO!! From this moment on, I resolve to let love come to me. I won't keep acting desperate, won't constantly hunger for romantic attention. And since I'm tired of being all desolate and miserable and depressed, I'm going to focus on the good things in life.

Like guitar. With Max. <3 I loooove him so fucking much. If I was straight I'd totally dig him, which is somewhat of a disturbing thought. LOL. But he taught me some U2 today and it was so. Much. Fun. One of those few things that can get me off my lazy screensaver ass and not totally dread it, you know?

ALSO. Miniscus - what else? I am a brilliant little piece of shit with Haru-worthy sexyfine characters in a universe Tolkien would be jealous of. I can draw maaaaaayyyyyybbbbbeeeee not as well as my M'brabriia, but close enough. My style's a lot... darker than hers, to put it mildly. Honestly, though? Most people don't have their careers laid out for them when they're fourteen. I'm a lucky little bitch. And Miniscus is going to be a ginormous hit in the world of manga. I've got it made, bitchez.

Oh yeah, and let's not forget DWWP, my college comics course. And Manna, which is good enough despite its... older... members. Plus GLSBA, der!! Gay-straight alliances are my best friend. And Nicole and Michael are two of my absolute favorite people now.

Really, then, my life is not as bad as I make it out to be. I fucking cried today for the first time in almost a year - no, graduation doesn't count so shut the fuck up - and now I'm realizing what a spoiled little shit I am.

I don't need love when I've got skills and friends and shit. My life is amazing. I am fantastically, ridiculously talented, gifted and lucky.

So why the fuck do I still feel so empty...?

1 comment:

Orange Trident said...

Asexual is FTW. Seriously. <3