Monday, October 13, 2008

A disease of the mind, it can control you.

Oh, geez, here we go again. Another night of insomnia. Fuck... fuck. There is no fucking way. This happened every night during the summer, and now it's decided to rear its fugly head and torment me some more.

I have no idea why I have so much trouble focusing. Sure, I'm on an L/Light rampage, on in serious need of some yaoi 24/7, and unfortunately 11pm-3am is including in that overall range. Also, "Look After You" by The Fray somehow conspires to keep me awake, playing and replaying in my head.

Still, you'd think I'd have some self-control.

This is hard. My mind has shut down but my body's still wide awake. I'm gonna be a zombie tomorrow, and the day after that is PSAT day so this is deep shit. If I do this tomorrow night, I'm screwed... trouble with the mumzie and all...

I hatehatehate insomnia. Sure, it led me to Gravitation, as well as ZoSan and Chouse, but beyond that it really doesn't do me any good. Headaches, nausea, stimulated fainting, inability to respond intelligently, highly unattractive raccoon eyes - none of it really makes me happy, you know?

So let me just put out this warning to the universe in general: DON'T GO INSOMNIAC. Bad things will happen. It's like alcohol, cutting, drugs, smoking, chocolate, because it makes itself a habit. I stayed up until 9 am once and thought that I'd be fine.

Now every night I'm up staring at my purple-black walls, trying to get the song of the day out of my head.

Fuck. Just be careful about staying up, got me? Shut off your compys at a reasonable hour. Make yourself some non-herbal tea and get the fuck into bed because you're going to be in hell for the next few weeks if you're up too late. Maybe you don't need as much sleep as the average person - i.e., that's how I am - but trust me, crashing midday and going zombie until it gets dark is not a pleasant experience.

So get some rest. Because it's 11:32 pm Eastern time, and I know I'm gonna be up later than this. Shit.


Orange Trident said...

Sleeping in class is fun though. D:

Dead Rose said...

gotta agree with you there, but it makes your life harder, you know? lol.