Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wants to go home.

I'm in a real shitheap right now. All things considered, this might have been one of the worst days of my life. Caitlin knows I like her, and apparently she has "no opinion" on the matter. It's fucked up awful, because I ran down like five blocks trying to chase after her, only to lose sight of her, and then find out that it was all for nothing. Plus everybody in biochem 7th period was all, "Oh, poor you, she's so in love with her boyfriend - " but fuck it.

Did I mention that I might be leaving my house forever?

It's bullshit. Dad's having financial issues because our dumbfuck prez screwed our country over -flips Bush off- and now him and Mom and Jeremy are all worried about what we're gonna do. As in, how they're gonna keep taking care of us.

Mom has this fucktarded suggestion that if Dad can't afford our house anymore, Jeremy could buy it and rent it back out to him. Seriously, why does she think Dad would want anyfuckingthing to DO with Jeremy, let alone be paying him to live in his own damn house?!?? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Jeremy, but today he only had to walk up the front steps and Dad was fuming.

They're also thinking of Mom and Jeremy moving in here, and Dad finding his own place. What the fucking hell?!?? This is MY house. I love Mom and Jeremy but this is not their fucking house. I can't imagine this dump as clean as their place, or as organized. Plus there's no way Sophie would get along with Kiki and Jackson.

Ugh. I just don't want anything to change. I like how I'm living my life, for the most part, and I don't need anything fucking that up. Especially my home.


Deleted said...

I can't believe that she knows that you like her now.

It just sucks that she's straight.

I hope that things get better for you.Email me if you wanna talk.

I love you. *kiss*

Anonymous said...

Dude, wtf@that.
Come stay with me bby <3

Deleted said...

Is that a heart??
And did she just say baby???