Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday morning rain is falling.

Okay... it's raining outside. Funny, somehow I never noticed just how much the weather reflected my moods, you know? Because right now I feel calm. Tranquil. Melancholy. Slightly repressed in and beside what and who I want to be, but static all the same. And it's not depression, just ennui. Repetition.

Hell, I'm Aeleus, because sunny days are good days always.

For once I don't want to go to guitar this afternoon. I'm tired and sick as fuck, I have House to watch and homework to do and on top of it all I have goddamn fucking TRUANCY COURT tomorrow. Shit. I just want to write Miniscus sometimes, okay? I've been searching all night for a domain name host and I don't have enough fucking money for any of them, bitches. Plus I'm tired as piss after the Mirah concert I just went to, even though I've realized "Don't Die in Me" is one of the greatest songs ever.

Shiiiiiiiiiit. I miss CDW, where me and Ju Dra and Em and Ink could just talk about Miniscus and YYE and whatever else the hell we wanted.

But it's raining, and I'm not gonna have enough money to go see AAR this month, I haven't even started working on my H'ween costume, and it's time to fucking face reality: -sigh- I'm never gonna get Caitlin, am I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw sweetie.
idk what a lot of those words meant, but i know how you're feeling.
