Thursday, November 6, 2008

This will surely fade.

Well, I started writing a yaoi. There's something off about it though, that probably being its overall, um, lack of plot. Yeah. Rare writer's block.

-sobs- I need HAAALP.

I hate it when shit like this happens. I come up with some totally fantabulous idea, something that I'm fucking so fucking exCIted about, and then it just slips through my fingertips like sand. I'm dual-minded, then. A rage contained. And personally I blame the economy.

Like, I need my $$ bad. Without cash, I can't get supplies. Without supplies, my talent is suppressed, and when my talent is suppressed then inspiration is cut off from my body and that nice little flowing river of ideas suddenly hits a fucking DAM.


So don't need that.

To be honest, I like the story. I'm a good-as-shit writer, with Lio, Liz and Mbob being the absolutefuckingawesomeesteditorsfuckingEVER, but I have no way to develop it. I want to get this shit published, you know?

It's just that, come on, there's no really way anyone else can get into Sei and Rioyuki's various excursions and escapades if I can't even write the fucking shit. Ah well - there's always media.

Qwerty <3


Anonymous said...

hannah writes delicious stories.

Dead Rose said...

she does indeed!