Monday, November 10, 2008

And not pretend I'm off again in my world.

OKAY!! So, from this moment on, I will officially be (probably) posting less frequently. Sure, I'll still do it, but I've also started a Miniscus blog and I need to work on that. I've hired a team of officials, all of whom I fully expect to do their jobs, and together we're going to start working on this project.

Sorry if anyone's disappointed... it's just that after clearing up a bunch of shit in my life, it's obvious that I need to begin doing what I want to do before it's too late. There's been all this controversy between me and some of my friends lately, plus I haven't been getting the best grades so my family is pissed as hell. Besides that, there was the whole Caitlin incident, you know?

But I'm doing really, really well for myself now. I had a hard time rejecting two guys who liked me - Splash and Josh - and I thought stuff was gonna be really, really awkward with both of them. Then we sat down and talked for a while about stupid shit in life and I think it's gonna be okay. There was this whole big fight between me and my three best friends, and then there was the huge make-it-up-outside-in-the-rain-dance and I love them love them looooooove them. My dad started tutoring me in French and as for Bio, I guess I just have to do more work and shit. I (obviously) suck at love, but my GLSBA friends have got my back - and oh yeah, speaking of which, I'm joining the animé cult on Mondays. I have art history and I kick ass, and about Johnathan? This is the ground I'm still shaky on.

His life is bullshit without me. I guess there's no denying that. There's also no fixing it, either. I was so fucking worried for a while that he would, like, try and convert me back to being straight. But I really wouldn't want to be with him even if I still liked guys.

So we're starting over, me and him.

Like I said in my last post, I'm writing a new yaoi. -squees- I have a huge new posse of otaku friends, and we're probably gonna all get together sometime soon.

But beyond it all and on forever, there is and will always be Miniscus. It's what I want and what I've got and what I love, and so now I've gotta shrug away all the other shit, fix all my issues and all that fuck, and honor my commitment like I've always said I would.

Later, dudes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you.
Congrats on everything with Miniscus; good luck with it all.
As for you and Johnathan starting over.
I'm happy.