Friday, August 29, 2008

And I'm wishing for a dream or two.

I've noticed a recurring pattern in my sleeping habits over the course of the past two months or so. I stay up until about 7 or 8, and then I sleep until maybe 12 noon. 1, sometimes. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY. I tell myself over and over to put away the damn computer, put down the fucking sketchbook and just close my eyes, but as soon as the black duvet covers me I'm soaking hot and warped in a sequence of disruptive, incredibly focused chain thoughts. Then a few hours later I crash and I'm a zombie up until it gets dark... when it starts all over again.

Not to say this is always a bad thing. For example, I discovered Gravitation during one of my awakeathons. ZoSan became my OTP III overnight. Needless to say, I get a shitload of blogging done in the pitch black. It's just that there really is a lot more that we need to contemplate, need to deal with while the rest of the world is still awake. Already awake. To me, same difference really. And sunlight blinding you from every angle doesn't exactly make for the best snoozing opportunity.

It's a tough habit to break. I think far too much - this I know - and that's the most likely reason for my insomnia. I can't fall asleep when I'm thinking. Always focusing too hard. It's deeply unhelpful at times when I'm worn out.

These are incredibly difficult standards to go by. I can only hope that I manage to break this habit soon, or I'll be stuck on this carousel for a long, long time.

Qwerty <3

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