Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Followed by what I left inside.

So I ran into Dee today. At the store. One of the most awkward moments I've had in a while; Julia was there and so was Dee's best friend Steph and neither of them knew what to say to the other (though Julia made it clear how much she loved Donna multiple times afterward). It was strange, though, seeing her outside of school. I mean, as close as we were, we never really hung out or anything.

But it got me thinking on just how much I value her friendship. I now realize that she means the world to me, and that I'd probably never survive without her there to back me up. Even though she's going to SLA and I'm headed off to Central, I don't want this to end up a Johnathan situation.

I can't let go of all the amazing times I've spent with someone I now understand to be one of my closest friends. We were totally open with each other about pretty much everything and I love that girl to death, and she knows it. I'm not ready to become a victim to lost memories, faded emotions. She's got her life now, and I've got mine, but we were so close before, she was one of the most amazing people I've ever met and nothing can get in the way of our friendship - not distance, not mistakes, nothing.

She's still my friend forever, no matter what happens.

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