Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And suddenly it's like we're women and men.

Now I'm nervous about a few things. Firstly (and this doesn't exactly qualify as "nervousness," per sé), I really just want to go on our Hot Topic shopping spree (that's me, Juli, and Indi) and get the shitloads of apparel and accessories that I want. Seriously, I just want my new clothes for high school, and I want them ASAP. Also, though, there's that homework factor. I keep putting it off for other things, and I know it's a bad habit but I can't help it. In the end I'm gonna be soooo rushed.

Okay, this sucks ass. Because despite the fact that I'm going to a new high school, that there's going to be thousands of people that I don't know walking by my side every day, that the workload will be significantly harder and the social load, a thousand times more... despite all that, the number one thing that keeps popping into my head is Miniscus.

Yes, I know, I think/worry/contemplate/etc. about it waaaay too much. But in all honesty, this is my future career we're speaking of. Damn, you just have no idea... I have big plans for these books. Really, really big. And because timelines limit, and I want to live an actual life, I've halved the series size from 120 books to 60 books. It makes a lot more sense, no? Seriously, though, I'm incredibly concerned. Four hours of homework a night, and in between that guitar lessons with Max, hanging out with my friends and the possibility of a new boyfriend, I'm totally sweating the fact that I might not complete my goal, which is to have finished volumes 1 and 2 (approx. 200 pages each) by the end of 2009. If that goal is met, I'll start looking for a publisher.

But I really do have to start Hell and All Realms Beyond by the beginning of November, two pages a day at least (in case I ever fall behind), if I want to get my dream into action. In my opinion, the sooner the world hears about it, the better. An action/adventure/ angst/drama/romance-type manga, with unusually good illustrations (I'm just that modest... LOL) and an attention-grabbing plotline (I hope) should get relatively popular by, say, '11, if everything goes how I want. And when I say relatively, I mean that at least in miniscule amounts I'm making some money off this thing.

This is my dream. And it has to happen. And yes: IT WILL HAPPEN.

So why am I still so nervous about it?

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