Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Feels so good to be bad.

Absolute ZoSan rampage lately. I've been staying up for 24- to 34-hour intervals just to read sappy, delicious doujinshi and/or fanfiction. I absolutely cannot help it; as my FF.net account so vividly explains, I am irrevocably addicted to love/hate relationships. That type of balance always ends up working so well. And besides, that way it's easier to interpret fight scenes as metaphors for sex scenes. And god, don't even get me started about what happens when you throw yaoi into the mix... -sizzles and dies-

It honestly makes me wonder, though, why it is that I'm constantly shifting and switching my pairing preferences. Honestly, it's no one's fault but ~ladychimera's (and, I suppose, Emmy's) that I have a craving obsession for yaoi, but really. I've even reverted to Robin/Beast Boy at this point, a (completely aodrable!!) yaoi couple that defies my original OTP (...which was bullshit anyway). And I'm pretty sure that the new Zutara signifies taking love/hate relationships over the top.


Okay, so, yeah, I'm a total fucking nerd to be having dizzy spasms and heart-stopping squee sessions over media, One Piece no less (don't tell Eiichiro!), but it doesn't matter. Entertainment defines me for who I am, and if this is what makes me happy, then that's good for me, isn't it?

Besides... a good author should always be in tune with characters. Even if they're not her own.

Qwerty <3

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