Friday, August 29, 2008

I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.

Yeah... Heroes addiction lately... mmhmm... fun-ness...

God, I've been so bored. I try distracting myself with drawing, writing, playing guitar, manga or TV (explanation for the above statement -_-)... and nothing is fucking working. Honestly. Humanity should not be allowed to sink in such a state of consciousness low enough to contemplate the purpose of their own existence, but that's where I'm at.

So while we're on the topic: HOW THE HELL DID WE GET HERE?? I don't believe in god or religion or any of that inane shit, but it's way too incredible to comprehend that over millions of years of development (after popping out of a fucking speck in the sky), humanity has become a force to be reckoned with... against the whole fucking universe.

I don't like it. I don't like how powerful our species is becoming. I feel much calmer knowing that we're just more dust in a giant's eye, something that might make a slight whisper but would never resonate loud enough to be heard. I don't want us to cause a collision. I think we should just back off, lighten up, drift slowly farther and farther away.

Hee, I'm getting all poetic now. But seriously, I don't want to be part of something that's not my business. I like calm, quiet, undisturbed - that's the way it should be. And so I'll wait until we piece ourselves together again. We're nothing more than fragments.

But hey, not like it'll ever happen. Humanity's just a bitch. Qwerty <3

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