Sunday, September 21, 2008

All my life I've waited, this is true.

I've been afraid to face her. It doesn't feel right - not morally, but emotionally. I know that no matter what I do, I'll never be the only one. And I know I should call it a draw, get over her, and move on.

But I can't do that. I'm orbited and I can't pull away. She's more than just incredible, she's a world of her own. I'm stuck, fallen. Infatuated, hypnotized, obsessed. I guess it's not in my nature to feel minutely or neutrally about anything; I've always been the addictive type. Now it's coming back to haunt me.

It's not fair. I finally fine someone who I stick to like residue, and I find out (though I've always known) that I'm not nearly as important to her as she is to me. It'll always be this way, I guess. Forever. No matter who it is, I love more every time. It's impossible to defeat, but I can't let it keep happening or I'll never truly be happy.

I don't want to put pressure on her, change anything to make it better between us, and so I'm trying to sever what does exist. I really am. She and her girlfriend are seriously happy together and I just stumbled in and messed it all up.

And I want to get out, now. The problem is it's not that easy, because she's amazing.

I don't know what's wrong with me, why I'm this obsessed. I love her, but I hate myself. I can't get over her, but I have to. And yet I don't want to.

So it's the luck of the draw now. Fate. Whatever happens will happen, and I won't be there to change it because I can't.

I threw myself into this. But the sides are smooth and the sky is far away, and it'll be a long time until I see the light of day.


Deleted said...

First of all,I love you too.
And 2nd of all,you did'nt mess things up with me and my girl up.We're just friends who just happen to be attracted to eachother.I know that she won't mind.Plus,we're sort of going through a rough patch now anyway because I hardly ever get to talk to her.Relax,everything will be fine.♥ I'm here for you.You can talk to me whenever you feel like you need to talk to someone.♥

Deleted said...

You're amazing too.You don't have to get over me if you don't want to.And no matter what happens I'll always love you the same.The truth is that I'm sort of obsessed with you as well,to me,you're very addicting.I think that you are absolutely beautiful.

And you are very important to me,I care about you.

Never say that you'll never be truly happy,because I know that I can make you happy.I WANT to make you happy.

You're not putting pressure on me at all,so just relax.I love you.♥

Even if we can't be together,we can always be friends.Friends with benefits.

You don't have to get over me,and I don't have to get over you.I don't WANT to get over you.I don't know why,but I have a really good feeling about this,and I'm going to trust my instincts when it comes to this.