Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby, just take your time.

Oh. Em. Gee. The girl of my dreams... is. Talking. To. Me.


And she likes me, too!! I mean, not the way I like her (obviously - she has a boyfriend and all), but that doesn't stop her from at least wanting to be my friend. Despite certain failure on that Algebra exam, and possible preliminary breakdown in French (dude, I like French too), she makes going to school every day worth it.

Every morning when I'm getting dressed, she's the one who I think about. Would Kaitlin like this? Would Kaitlin like that? What will she think? I've never cared about how good I look as much as I do now. Besides the stalking part, I'm utterly obsessed with her opinion of me. I can't get this girl out of my head.

What is it that draws me to her, anyway? Some would say fate, or even desperation; personally, I call it G-R-A-V-I-T-A-T-I-O-N. Gravitation. I'm drawn to her for reasons I cannot comprehend. I just feel this overwhelming need to be with her, to take her in my arms and never let go. She's so small; I want to protect her from the big world out there. She's so... I don't know... petite and wiry and sweet.

I'm totally in love. It's not even funny, how addicted I am. Every time I see her, our exchanged smiles light up my world and I feel euphoric.

So euphoric, in fact, that I think I can wait until she falls for me.

Qwerty <3

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