Monday, September 1, 2008

Everything, everything will be just fine.

So yeah. 'M basically bored right now, lounging around in a concert My Chemical Romance shirt, plucking away on Paparazzi, dishin' out a sloppily drawn Makuri every so often, staring at the damn "COMPUTER FAIR" (wtf?) trophies adorning my fucking black-purple bedroom. It always bothers me when I do this - when I refuse to do my homework (which, sadly, there is a lot of) because I can't focus. But I have a damn short attention span and I am in no mood for word problems. I know, I know, I'll be staying up all night doing it, but at least I'm being good enough NOT to put it all off until tomorrow. For the time being that is.

Hell, why does this happen? Why do I always feel such a cryptic, inexplicable need to procrastinate? It's almost as though it's a part of my being. My brain won't function correctly unless it's under stress, lots and lots of it. Not saying that I enjoy the stress, but seriously, I've left stuff until the last minute my entire life and hey, it's been working for me.

And yeah, I know, I know - that's gonna change. Been warned a million times. Fully aware. Thanks for your concern. It's a dipshit habit, in my opinion one of my worst, and I fully intend to break it. I just... don't have the patience to do that right now, at this very instant. I don't know why it's so hard. It just is.

Oh, and I'm sure there's a perfectly simple psychological explanation for why I do what I do. I just don't feel up to going off and finding out about it. (Psych... that reminds me about science... which reminds me about homework... -groans- )

Ah well, no hard feelings. I'll just have to apply a little bit extra to breaking that habit these days. Try and get my act together before my time's all out, y'know?

Qwerty <3

1 comment:

sennah1102 said...

I have the same habit, it sucks. I actually have a project to do right now, thats why im on the computer, but I got distracted.