Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'd make you believe, I'd make you forget.

Del Rey manga. Submission requirements: concise description of story concept, 1-2 page detailed plot summary, character profiles [written], character profiles [drawn], complete artwork for first 10-20. Check, check, check, check, and... almost-check. So as soon as I get books 1-4 (just so I'm backed up in terms of scheduling and all that) 100% finished, it's goodbye hiding-in-my-room, hello publishing-for-Miniscus. YES.

Okay, so maybe they won't like it. Fine by me. There's always TOKYOPOP, whom I've known to publish unsolicited submissions. Geez, half their shit is from America. I think. And maybe I won't be good enough for them because I'm fucking "in high school" and that's "a problem." In the words of the ever-wise Foamy, they can really just fuck off and die.

Miniscus is my everything, and no amount of schoolwork or romantic/social tension is ever going to keep me away from it. No goddamn half-assed self-absorbed media-addicted publishing company is gonna screw things over just because they reject my life dream. I always have El Peruvian Cosco. XD

The world needs to know about it. More importantly, though, the fandom needs to know about it.

Sometimes I wonder what I would be like right now if I had never created Miniscus. It was a combination of One Piece, Julia, and the salty beach air that made Makuri into a drawing in a skull-fronted black notebook, but everyone else had a mind of their own when they appeared. If it hadn't been that exactly place at that exact time when I decided to draw a twice-reincarnate pyromaniac with a star tattooed on her cheek, Miniscus might not even exist.

It's a scary thought, considered it's what fills up every one of those 18 sketchbooks, every single of those 57 notebooks that currently litter the shelves of my room. I'm fucking addicted to it just like up fucking addicted to every other singular living thing I give a shit about, and it ain't fucking fair.

But I wouldn't be me without it, you know? I wouldn't have a career already pending at the age of fourteen, and I wouldn't be dying inside every time a star fell from the sky. I am who I am, and it'll never change.

Self-centeredly yours.


Deleted said...

YOU WROTE A BOOK?Wow.You're on of the only other people I've ever met who actually LIKE to write.I'm sure that the publishers will like it though.♥ And if they don't,they're just plain stupid.I love you.♥

Dead Rose said...

yeah... it's a manga series that i'm trying to get published. i used to worry a lot about them accepting it but now i figure that i can always try self publishing it.

love you too <3

Deleted said...

That is so neat!! iI've never met anyone who's done anything like that before.

I love you MORE.♥