Monday, September 1, 2008

It's crazy but I'm hoping to.

Damn. That is honestly all I can say. Damn. I actually forgot to blog yesterday... god, how off am I?

It got me thinking, though. Along with everything else that's happened today that's got me thinking. What the hell am I gonna do once school starts? Sure, it's still summer now, two days left in fact, but F-U-C-K am I gonna be busy once the year goes into action. Besides all the impending stress of a new school, a new crowd, new adjustments to be made, etc., I also have guitar to work on (trained with Max today, that guy is fucking amazing, he's already got me playing serious-shit scales and power chords, I can't believe I used to call myself a guitarist), Miniscus to write (finally I can draw Tadashi-worthy dynamic action sequences, the trick is self-photography), and possible acting classes (how many times must I say it? I don't like acting anymore).

And to be honest, my spare computer time will probably be spent online shopping at (speaking of which, Springfield Mall shopping spree equals DONE AND DONE), reading/writing(?) my darling most beloved KH/Grav/OP fanfics, or dA'ing away since that's what I do best... Aw, right, and I'm taking yoga classes during the year since my new school starts too early for me to meditate daily anymore. Hells, I'll be lucky if I ever read another book again. (Shit, OR get a boyfriend...)

My point is that I'm worried I'm not gonna be posting a whole lot anymore. That's a fucking scary idea, you know? My hand cramps when I write in an actual journal, so this is the only true place for me to completely spill. And I like having my daily dose of songquotes up on the web (see title of any post).

It's gonna be hard. But I'm really, honestly going to try, because my blog is really important to me. I was so disappointed when I missed a day, you have no idea. Geez.

Qwerty <3

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