Friday, September 12, 2008

And you're telling me that I'm not to blame.

It's fucking pouring outside and I'm bull-tired. Miss Kaitlin, miss Dee and MISS M'BRABRIIA. Also... wanna see Josh and Sammy since they're my loves. And Jackie...

Okay, I know what my problem is. I don't spend enough time with my friends. Seriously, I feel like I'm always blowing them off to go draw or write. Hell, instead of hanging out with Josh/Sammy/Gabby, or stalking Kaitlin (kawaii <3), I waste my lunches on Miniscus. I can't help it; I love Miniscus. I love it as much as I love almost all of my friends (my gruesome threesome beats it, but they're them).

And I know, I know, I fucking know that I need to be more social. I'm not exactly popular, but there are plenty of people out there who care about me. A lot. And I wish I could treat them with the same affection and admiration that they express towards me, but I can't. I'm bitchy and insensitive by nature. I'm intense, quiet, and self-absorbed around the people who don't know my true geeky personality; I become a pissy loser, ungrateful towards everyone who's so nice to her.

They brush it off and act like it's all right. They respect my wishes and give me space. But I don't deserve it, and every time I feel like more and more of a selfish bitch. I'm not trying to isolate myself, but sometimes it seems like I'm slipping away.

Maybe it isn't my fault. That's what they say, and I'd really be a bad friend if I didn't believe them.

That's the world we've gotta take on, though. Drama and doubt.

Qwerty <3


Deleted said...

You seem interesting.
I don't know why...there's just something about you that I find fascinating.I hope you don't think that's weird.
I think I'd like to get to know you,if you don't mind.

Dead Rose said...

'Course I don't. That's cool with me XD