Tuesday, September 23, 2008

There's no way to deny she's lovely.

I don't understand why Johnathan won't just go for this friend of his. Apparently she's smart, sweet, hot, you know. What else does he fucking want? But noooo, apparently she's a skank so he's just got to stay away from her.

What the fucking FUCK?!?

It makes zero sense to me how a guy's so afraid of rejection that he'll hold back. Guys are fucking dumbshits who can't see past their own hand in a stream of sunlight. There are, uh, obvious reasons I don't find them attractive; their general stupidity is one of them. Sure, I have plenty of guy friends. But honestly, I can't say I'd put Johnathan on that list.

He's an idiot. If he likes a girl, why can't he just go for it? Why would he ignore her over some stupid rumor? It it because he's wasting his time crying over me? Fuck that shit. I am so tired of him staying stuck on this.

I can't stand, can't stand, can't fucking stand him when he's like this. He doesn't even deserve my attention, that bitch. He's too obsessed with getting his old, allegedly "perfect" life back to focus on moving on. Well, guess what? He's just gonna screw things over more for himself.

I want to scream at him sometimes. He doesn't understand that this isn't some fantasy world where he can just wallow in his own misery and there won't be consequences. This is a reality. You who have been reborn, color your eyes without smiling alone (thank you, Sakuma-san). That's right, Johnathan.

Without. Smiling. Alone.


Qwerty <3

1 comment:

Deleted said...

Wow.You get angry at him alot.Calm down.Breathe.*hug*