Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wanna wake up where you are.

Okay. New subject (sort of...) - and you're all (all?) going to think I'm psycho, after seeing some of the shit I said about Kaitlin. I think I might be, uh, romantically interested again. In. Someone. Else.

This person is seriously driving me right now. Like, way too much. It's not even funny. I don't know her all that well, but I wish I could. She's addictive, more so than Kaitlin is. My impression is she's pretty sweet. I like her. A lot. I don't want to say the word love, since the world will view me as a melodramatic psycho shit. But honestly, Kaitlin was just cute. Hot. Whatever. This girl... god, she's just fucking incredible!

I've never been this shy before. Really, I've never been shy. At all. But this girl just leaves me speechless. I'm afraid that anything I say to her will sound stupid. She doesn't even know my full name. She probably doesn't give a shit about me until some little sign reminds her. Bet I'm just another scratch on the surface of her tilted life.

I don't want to let go of this one. I'm letting Kaitlin go; I know I have to get over her. It's time for that ship to sail. (LOL... cheesy shit much?) But I'm not gonna lose a second time. Maybe I just won't tell her. I'm afraid of losing what we do have, even if it's barely anything, even if I want it to be more.

Damn, why do I want her this bad!? (Most of you are probably going, "Uh... déjà vu much?") I feel so awkward talking to her, but at the same time I want to tell her my life story. She's got an incredible personality. Though I know beauty is more than skin deep, she's beautiful. Pretty hot as far as I can tell. I've been feeling broken; what if she could pick up the pieces?

As always, she's taken. Blah, blah, blah. But still. She actually likes girls, so I'm not totally hopeless.

And I'm not gonna name names, but I hope to god she never reads this, because she'll know right away that I'm talking about her. Then I would have to kill myself.

Is love at first sight real? I didn't use to think so.

Now... I guess I do. <3


Deleted said...

I think I know who you're talking about...♥

Deleted said...

And if only you knew... ♥♥♥♥

Deleted said...

Infact,I know EXACTLY who you're talking about.Just try to talk to "the girl(lol)" and try to get to know her.Maybe "she" likes you too.And you don't have to be shy,nothing you say is going to sound stupid to "her."And never say that "she" probibly does'nt care about you or whatever...because darling,you have no idea.♥ You're definatley not a scratch on the surface of "her" tilted life though.You never know,you could be the person that "her" world revolves around."The girl" might like it if you would just tell her about how you really feel.I know that "she" definately wants to talk to you and get to know you more.Why would you want to kill yourself if "she" read this.Well I guess in a way it would be kind of embarassing.
But I bet you that "that girl,"has some feelings that she's hiding from you as well.Just look at her latest posts.Could it be that that girl she talks you??

>>You don't have to be shy anymore...I know now.♥
*hug* And you wanna know a little secret??..I did'nt believe in love at first sight either...until I seen you.♥