Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A tragic tale of all that's yet to come.

Believe it or not... life is finally looking up for me.

I have started Miniscus. I am so incredibly, disturbingly, ridiculously proud of myself. Not only is the drawing going easier than I had thought it would, getting this far just provides me with so much optimism for my life. The world is going to see my characters, and it is going to love them as intensely as I love Axel or Yuki or Zolo or anyone else I've ever been addicted to. And that right there is the damn fucking truth.

Johnathan's been trying to contact me again. I never realized how much I missed him up until now, not as a boyfriend but as a person in general. Maybe he doesn't understand me the way we both once thought he did, but it sure as hell will be nice to have his friendship back. Besides that, I saw Connor and Jackie today, and just got so ridiculously infatuated with the both of them. I literally couldn't let go when I hugged them. So socially, I guess I'm doing all right.

School is tough, but my lurvely iPod ("AkuRoku," of course) makes everything better. I've never been a particularly sit-and-listen kind of person, and those lectures really do their job lulling you to sleep. Especially Algebra... damn, I'm fucking failing. French is all right. I never was particularly smart, but whatever.

And seeing The Eye made my day. I've already watched it a million times over, but it just reminded me how much I love horror movies.

Okay, so I'm not doing perfect. There's still Kaitlin. Kaitlin. I know it's hopeless, but moving on has always been so hard for me. I'm so fucking clingy is why.

Miniscus is my story, in a way. It has its ups and downs, and a lot of it is just tragedy, foreshadowing the dark destiny of what lies ahead for Haroun. For Makuri, Økitu, Winter and Tari. For me, too. And in the end, it's still flawed. It's still broken.

But it's always got hope.

1 comment:

Deleted said...

Well I'm glad things are looking up for you.Lol.I see that you're still crazy about that Kaitlin girl.