Sunday, September 21, 2008

A statue of myself, of course.

So I talked to Johnathan. He seemed sort of let down to find out that I'm a total lesbian for now, but even if I still dug guys I wouldn't get back with him. I really don't know what I ever saw in him. Basically all he did last night while we were talking was complain excessively about how he couldn't find anyone like him.

Ugh. OKAY... that is not the point of relationships, friend- or romance-based. Sure, you want someone who you can relate to, who you can pick distinct characteristics from that resemble what's often on your mind. Sure, you don't want to be stuck hands-in-your-lap with nothing to say.

But so fucking what if they're a little happier than you!? Doesn't that do good things for a relationship's foundations? Whatever happened to opposites attract? Seme and uke? Where's the yin and yang (au contraire, Ronan and Zela don't quite pass) of relationships today?

So you don't want a fucking fluke, i.e., Roxine. SO WHAT? If you like someone who's not a total clone of you, why don't you just climb out of your shallow little pool of self-pity and misery and give them a fucking chance? What is so damn wrong with disagreeing? Ink, Jude and Em aren't my best friends because we're similar. We're all incredibly different people - Indi's a control freak, Juli's careless, Emmy's hyper, and I'm psycho. But KH, Grav, DN, OP and A:tLA bring us together, and everything we've been through helps that hold strong.

Johnathan, I don't care what you say. I'm not like you. I will never be like you. You think you're so far above the rest of us, except for those you've picked specially to be on your level because they 'get' you. I know I'm not that great. I could call myself a serious disgrace to humanity if I wanted. Sure, I've got qualities, but in the long run, I know that me being different, for better or for worse, is a positive thing.

And you, my friend, are thoroughly unable to realize that.

We're different, and I still don't like you. So shove it up your ass and fucking deal with it.

Qwerty <3

1 comment:

Deleted said...

You sound really upset.♥